Wednesday, October 20, 2010

simpler, more casual apps

From macrumors (emphasis mine):

"The Mac App Store also raises additional questions whether or not the so-called "race to the bottom" in prices will be duplicated on the Mac software side as well, and whether or not it will encourage simpler, more casual apps."

After experiencing years of continuous "improvement" (read it bloating) of software packages on the PC (take your pick of office suites for example), simpler, more casual apps sound good to me.

1 comment:

  1. Amen. I'd much rather buy a less expensive app that dies what I want and then pay for "module upgrades". For example, give me a good word processor. If I want to, say, do bulk letter merges, sell me a cheap app module add-on.

    Probably make people happier and be a better revenue source for the software company.

    If you make a gazillion dollars on the concept I'll take 10%.
